Cozy Mom

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Foot in Mouth

It has been funny lately to see Bella become a BIG girl. Sometimes she wants to be grown up, but other times she wants to still be a baby.

Examples of BIG girl Bella
- the biggest threat I need to give is "If you don't do it I will do it for you!"
-She only wears dresses and velour sweat suits
-She has no problem telling her friends what to do
-She can get up out of bed, peep on the potty and put herself back to bed

Then there is the baby Bella
-"Carry me, carry me, carry me. I don't know how to carry myself. My legs are tired."
-"NOOO I'm a baby not a big girl!"
-not using words but instead grunting like a baby and refusing to speak

But today she proved to me that she still has some baby left in her. While snuggling in bed with us this morning she picked up both of her bare feet and stuck them in her mouth! YUCK! and WOW! She is still that flexible, both of them, at the same time. Maybe I should start her in gymnastics now and work on retaining those hyperflexible ligaments.


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