Cozy Mom

Friday, August 18, 2006

It's Popsicle Season

Though the heat wave of mid-July has ended we still live in a desert that someone built houses on top of. So what do you do with a 2+ year old to keep from going crazy in the heat? Buy popsicles. Our freezer has a few colors and varieties these days. But of course she is only two, so she has not quite perfected the eating off a stick thing. Like any good mom, I make her eat them outside. With the blazing heat that frozen stick quickly liquifies and Bella can only lick so fast. Neadless to say we always end with a colorful sticky kid who gets stripped and put in the bath or under the hose shortly after she is done eating. But this week she didn't just get dirty, she gave her immune system a workout too.

She was intensly sucking the stick while holding it horizontally, when gravity finally won and half the remaining frozen clump hit the cement. Bella was not about to let her precious treat go, so she got on her hands and knees and licked it off the patio. I was mortified, Dad couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say we haven't had anymore popsicles this week. I just want her little body to get rid of all the dirt, ants and bacteria it took in before I introduce more next time.


  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger threeforme said…

    I'm impressed that you let her wear clothes when she eats them. Padyn has to eat them naked. And it isn't that hot here! But man, that stick...when will they figure that one out?


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